What's Happening
The annual meeting at Don & Mary Ripple's was held even though tornados and hail tried to discourage the faithful group from their task at hand. Anyone that couldn't be there was sorely missed and everyone that attended had a great time. Thanks to our hosts, Don & Mary!!
Upcoming Events
Piney Woods
April 5th-7th, 2007 in Glenwood, GA

April 19th-21st, 2007 in Ocilla, GA with the Brotherhood supper on the 21st under the BBB shed.  Time TBA.

May 16th-19th, 2007 in Cochran, GA

The Bonded Brothers of Bluegrass' mission is to promote and preserve bluegrass music, help or teach others, and involve young people. The BBB was founded by a group of musicians and fans for the purpose of fellowship as brothers after each festival. The group also comes together to help Brothers in time of need. All members are avid bluegrass fans or musicians. The members may or may not play an instrument.